Greater Seattle Area property management

Guaranteed rent payments each month
Income guaranteed even before we find your tenant
Full service rental property management
Free, upfront rental price recommendation
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Example: $3,500/mo starting in 29 days

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Example: $3,500/mo starting in 29 days.

“Owners just sit back and receive the money”
“Offers true peace of mind to property owners”
“A simple proposition that helps small landlords”
“It will pay out of its own pocket”
“Owners just sit back and receive the money”
“Offers true peace of mind to property owners”
“A simple proposition that helps small landlords”
“It will pay out of its own pocket”
Better property management
Whether you go with our traditional service or innovative guarantee, we'll take care of your property as if it was our own.
Doorstead Guarantee
We pick the price. We manage everything.
You get income certainty.
Upfront rental guarantee
You know your minimum rent income upfront, and get paid every month, no matter what.
Pricing upside
We negotiate your rental price for you. If we beat our guarantee, you get more income.
Risk protection
We take the risk so you can take it easy. You get $10,000 of damage and eviction protections.
Doorstead’s leasing and placement time is 57% faster than the industry average.
property management companies
“The Doorstead team goes above and beyond. They are on top of everything!”
Debasish M, a homeowner in Seattle
property management near me
“As a first-time landlord, I'm super happy with the results of working with Doorstead. Would definitely recommend them as a property management company!”
Arick, a homeowner in Seattle